A-Way-Out Ministries Inc.
We are here to provide a support system for victims of domestic violence, and connect them with organizations that can assist with services and support for your immediate needs. If you have an emergency to report, either for yourself or on behalf of someone who is close to you, please call 9-1-1 or 317-926-4357. You can also Call the National Domestic Violence hotline number at 1-800-799-7233. For Immediate emergency assistance please call your local 911 emergency system right away.
Please note, AWO Ministries is not a domestic violence shelter.


A-Way-Out Ministries Inc. is a 501c 3 nonprofit organization established in 1999 as a means of providing support to women and children who are going through periods of crisis due to domestic violence in the home or in our communities. This support includes education, awareness, and prevention through workshops, partnerships, speaking engagements at churches, schools, and where ever support is needed within our communities. We partner with other organizations that specialize in programs to help those at risk and need a way out of violent or unhealthy relationships.
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